The Herd of Nerds

Welcome to the herd………nerd

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The Ear

I chose to do the human ear. Personally for me learning about the human body is so fascinating, so when we were learning about sound and the way that the ear takes in sound was so cool. I’m gonna explain it again even though I know that you know about it but just so you…

Leaving Middle School and Entering High School

Well even though I am very happy to be going into High School I’m very happy that I have been able to have all the memories I have this year. The one thing I have enjoyed about Middle School is the experience. This is my first and last 8th grade and I need to enjoy…

Matured Adults

Congratulations you’re 18 you can watch R-rated movies. But it’s more than that. Becoming an adult to me is simple. To be a physically grown adult you should be the age or past the age of 18. But some people mentally aren’t there. some people are 18. or 19 or maybe even 38 but still…

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